We believe that all children have the right to a high level of education which provides continuity and sequential progression taking into account pupils’ starting points, individual strengths, talents and needs. The Fountain Head House School curriculum is planned to meet each pupil’s individual EHCP outcomes through adaptive approaches which take into consideration age and developmental appropriateness.
The Fountain Head House School curriculum model follows a therapeutic educational approach that promotes the development of Emotional Wellbeing, Cognitive Knowledge and Functional Skills. It is acknowledged that pupils’ past experiences both in school and life will influence their ability to engage in learning. It is, therefore, paramount to support pupils’ emotional wellbeing as a foundation for learning as a whole.

At Fountain Head House School we believe that high quality careers education and guidance is critical to our pupils’ futures. Our curriculum has a well-defined programme offering highly personalised Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG) with focus on preparing our pupils for the next step in their educational journey or the workplace by providing a clear understanding of the world of work including the routes to work or careers that they might find engaging and rewarding. It supports them to acquire the independence, self-development and work/career management skills they need to achieve positive employment destinations. This helps our pupils to choose their pathways, to improve their life opportunities and to have a fulfilling lifestyle. Our curriculum offer is highly personalised to the needs of each pupil and delivered through our three Curriculum Pathways: Learning to Learn, Participating in Learning and Independent Learning. The teaching of English, Maths, Science, PSHE and PE sits at the core of each Curriculum Pathway. Each pupil enjoys a highly bespoke curriculum enriched through planned experiences of the wider curriculum including, where appropriate, Life Skills, Computing, Art, Music, Design and Technology.
Our school is set on a large campus and we make use of the outdoor play areas throughout our curriculum. We also access local resources such as the coastline, moors and forests, both for core curriculum learning and outdoor and adventurous activities.
Our school day runs from 9am to 3pm.
Below you can click through a series of images to see the knowledge schemas for this term.
Building a school community
At Fountain Head House School, we believe in building a school community through engaging with you as parents and carers.
We aim to empower parents and carers by providing you with ways to actively participate in your child’s school life. We aim to offer opportunities for you to get together with other parents and carers to share experiences or, simply, to have a chat with each other at our Coffee Mornings. During our Afternoon Teas we cover a specific topic of interest through a short presentation and conversation.
We want you to be involved in your child’s school life and will send you regular information so that you can follow your child’s learning and progress. This will include academic learning and progress towards Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) outcomes. We encourage pupils’ participation and, where appropriate, aim to have your child taking part in EHCP meetings.
At the end of the school year, we will send you the End of Year Report which will identify your child’s progress over the school year and indicate next steps for learning.
Our School Community Days offer the opportunity to meet with teachers and therapists to celebrate your child’s learning and progress. This is also an opportunity to celebrate key events for each term such as our Christmas Fair, Easter Fun and Achievement Day. In addition to these, our Sports Day in the summer term is a great opportunity for our pupils’ families and friends to join in and celebrate the pupils’ engagement and progress in a range of sports.
We aim to create a Parents’ and Carers’ Committee with focus on enhancing the school community, listening to parents and carers views and engaging in joint projects.
You can read more about the opportunities to get together with fellow parents, carers and staff using the diagram below.