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At Fountain Head House School, the education and therapy staff work together as part of a multi-disciplinary team, which is designed to meet the wide-ranging needs of our pupils.
The Fountain Head House School therapy team consists of (please click on the staff photo below to view their full profile):
The Fountain Head House School therapy provision consists of:
Play Therapist
Play Therapy aims to help children and young people to understand muddled feelings and confusing life events they may be experiencing and help them to make sense of them. Play is a child’s natural way of exploring the world and enables them to express themselves when they may not have the words to do so. Play Therapy sessions take place in a safe therapeutic environment, where the child is able to select resources from a ‘therapeutic toolkit’ (small world play, sand, role play, instruments, puppets, art and craft) and choose how they spend their time in the room. The therapist follows the child’s lead with the therapy moving at the child’s pace, using a non-directive approach. Over time the therapist may begin to engage in a more directive way.

Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA)
ELSAs are teaching assistants who have had special training from educational psychologists to support the emotional development of children and young people in school. ELSAs have regular professional supervision from educational psychologists to help them in their work. ELSAs help children and young people learn to understand their emotions and respect the feelings of those around them. They provide the time and space for pupils to think about their personal circumstances and how they manage them.
Occupational Therapist
Occupational therapy (OT) enables people of all ages to participate in meaningful activities (occupations) that they want, need or are expected to take part in, looking to improve their quality of life and wellbeing. Occupations for children and young people may include self-care (getting ready to go out, eating a meal, using the toilet), being productive (learning in school, volunteering, caring for a pet) and play and leisure activities (playing independently or with friends, taking part in hobbies, socialising).
The school occupational therapist will become involved when the child or young person is experiencing challenges in meaningful activities within their school life. For example, in their school work (handwriting, following instructions, staying on task), in their life skills (organising belongings, eating in the school canteen, changing for P.E.), in break times (joining group games, making friends) and with transitions (moving from one place to another within the school, in between tasks).

Speech and Language Therapist
SaLTs have an in-depth knowledge of a range of speech, language and communication needs. They can assess pupils communication strengths and needs through the taking of a case history, observing and interacting directly with a pupil. This enables a detailed profile of the young person's communication strengths and needs to be developed, which then informs the support strategies to be put into place across the school day. Within FHHS we aim to utilise a total communication approach, which values and uses all methods of communication to enable everybody to understand the world around them and to communicate effectively.
Levels of provision
The therapy provision at Fountain Head House School follows a tiered approach, with therapists providing input at a universal, targeted and specialist level:

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