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Our Mission



Through engaging, innovative and bespoke approaches to learning, we provide our pupils with fulfilling and meaningful experiences that prepare them for the next steps in their education and skills for life.

Our Vision

To be recognised as a centre of excellence for the education of pupils who present primarily with cognitive, communication and sensory needs.







Our Values

To Achieve our Vision and Mission, we will always have pupils at the heart of everything we do. Our values are to be:











Fountain Head House School is based on extensive site, with excellent facilities ranging from shared classroom spaces to individualised learning spaces, that are enjoyed by all of our pupils. 


The school has a spacious canteen where pupils have the opportunity to practise mealtime routines, interact with other pupils and staff, and enjoy meals from our weekly menus that are cooked on-site.  There are three Life Skills rooms across different areas of the school which offer opportunities for pupils to learn about Health and Safety in the kitchen, develop cooking skills, engage in mini-enterprise projects and enjoy cooking their favourite foods in preparation for life beyond school.  Mealtimes and enjoying and sharing food are an essential social and community activity in the life of our school.


The school has a well-equipped Sports Hall where pupils of all ages have timetable PE and other movement sessions, and a mini-gym for specific sessions for our older pupils. 


Our school has a range of therapeutic areas including Sensory – Chill-out spaces in different areas of the school; a Movement room which is accessed for timetabled movement sessions and individual Occupational Therapy sessions, plus a Play Therapy room and ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant) room for specific sessions.


Our new Creative Arts Space offers opportunities for timetabled sessions across all year groups with focus on Music, Drama and Dance.  This space is also used for school community days (where we welcome our parents and carers to join us) including the end of year Achievement Day and Art Exhibition.


Our outdoor spaces include our Sports Field which is accessed by pupils of all ages and hosts our yearly Sports Day in the summer;  Early Years climbing equipment, cycling area and sandpit; sensory and fun basket swing and raised flower and vegetable beds where pupils can practise their horticulture skills.

What our parents say about us

“My son has come on leaps and bounds with his development, and I have nothing but praise for the staff. My son is always happy to go into school and always leaves happy. I’m so glad my son got a place here”.


“He’s come on so well and loves his time at his school. His school report shows how well he is doing”. 


“He refused to go to school for two years before, the staff are very informative and have helped  my son meet his targets and have discussed his options with me, I think it’s a great school”.

Equality Act 2010

Our Commitment to the Equality Act 2010


The Equality Act 2010 was introduced to ensure protection from discrimination, harassment and victimisation on the grounds of specific characteristics (referred to as protected characteristics), including sex (gender), race, disability, religion or belief, gender reassignment, sexual orientation or pregnancy or maternity.


You can view our Equality statement, aims and objectives by clicking on the left image.

Indepdent School Association
Duke of Edinburgh

Where else can I find help, information and support?


Parenting and family support – Family Lives:

Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families:

Young Minds:

SEND IASS Cornwall:

Plymouth PIAS:


© 2023 by Fountain Head House School. 

Call us:

01752 853891

Find us: 

Fountain Head House School, Church Rd, Saltash, PL12 4AE

Fountain Head House School logo

Headteacher: Thereza de Lucca

Proprietor: Fountain Head House School LTD

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